by DPadmin | Jun 21, 2017 |
Monroe Quick-Strut Microsite Design Partners created this interactive microsite to showcase the technology inside Monroe’s Quick-Strut Replacement...
by DPadmin | Jun 19, 2016 |
Dremel Velocity Launch Rich Media Ad Campaign Dremel Velocity Launch Design Partners created a full array of HTML5 rich media ad assets for the Velocity...
by DPadmin | Jun 18, 2016 |
Dremel Weekends Website Dremel Weekends Microsite Design Partners created and has maintained the Dremel Weekends project inspiration site for the past 6 years. We add a new project each week and theme for each month, to inspire Dremel users to create and...
by DPadmin | Jun 15, 2016 |
Monroe Shocks OE Spectrum Landing Page OE Spectrum Technology Design Partners created this interactive landing page to showcase the technology inside Monroe’s new line of OE Spectrum Shocks &...
by DPadmin | May 19, 2016 |
RotoZip ZipIT Campaign Microsite RotoZip ZipIT Campaign Design Partners created the ZipIT Microsite to support the Rotozip ZipIT campaign. Targeted at PRO users, the site provided a landing page for all other campaign...